Polymer Concrete Pipes




Polymer Concrete Pipes

Polymer concrete is a high strength, corrosion resistant concrete product which is created when thermosetting polyester resin is used to bond the highest quality of quartz aggregates under strictly controlled temperature and moisture conditions.

The polyester resin, which acts as the bonding agent, after curing, gives the pipes the additional positive properties of elasticity, fracture and corrosion resistance. No water or cement is used in the manufacture of polymer concrete products. Polymer concrete products are corrosion-resistant during usage for flo

ws with a PH range of 1.0 to 12.0.

The glass-reinforced-plastic (GRP) couplings are made to connect plain end pipes quickly and easily and provide the added benefit of leak-proof joints, thus making polymer concrete pipes the natural choice for use in demanding municipal and industrial sewage management systems.



The polymer concrete pipe is produced using a vertical casting process. Exact amounts of materials are pre-mixed, with the raw material quantities, mixing sequences and material feed controlled by highly sensitive computerized equipment. Then the mixed material is loaded into vertical molds where vibratory compaction is used to ensure dense, void-free composite structure. Within 45 to 60 minutes the primary polymerization reaction takes place under specific temperature ranges. Once a rigid structure is set, the molds are stripped and the pipes are post-cured in a curing chamber for 4-6 hours.

The pipes are then ready to undergo testing to ensure that they meet the standards for use. Upon approval, they are stored in an outdoor storage area, ready to be shipped out.

Specifically designed and precision made steel molding units ensure dimensional accuracy and smooth interior and exterior surfaces. The inner pipe diameter is identical with the nominal diameter (DN). The outer pipe diameter is compatible with most standard micro-tunneling and jacking equipment and can be adapted to meet specific structural requirements and machine sizes.



Polymer concrete pipes and products offer significant benefits and advantages compared to other materials used in sewage and other corrosion-prone systems. These include:

  • Most suitable kind of pipes for pipejacking especially in the micro-tunneling method due to high compressive resistance against jacking forces;
  • Lack of external water absorption and leakage of hazardous gases outside the pipes and preventing the release of pollutants due to their capillary free structure;
  • High corrosion resistance provides long-term resistance to acidic and alkaline exposure (1 < pH < 12) and reliability throughout a long service life;
  • Smooth, even, non-absorbing outer pipe surfaces resulting in reduced friction during jacking operations;
  • Smooth, even inner surfaces provide minimal head loss and low friction to the flow and residue risk reduction (Max. Manning’s factor = 0.009);
  • Unified joint system of pipe ends resulting in uniform distribution of jacking forces;
  • Elasticity resulting in reduced point loading effect and risk of rupture;
  • Adaptable dimensions making it suitable for all microtunneling and jacking equipment;
  • Long life and elimination of repair and maintenance costs due to the unity of the pipes structure and high mechanical, physical and chemical resistance.


Visit also LBP (Looleh Beton Polymer) L.L.C.– Polymer-Concrete based Pipes Manufacturer (one of Kayson’s INC Subsidiaries)

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