Organizational Structure

Whatever the task, organization is the keynote. The organizational structure of Kayson has been so designed that every project enjoys a unified chain of command headed by a project manager, whilst a network of specialized technical, engineering, logistics and supporting units feed all ongoing projects in a highly coordinated manner. At the same time, all projects, divisions and subdivisions interact via a hybrid matrix system.

For effective project execution, project teams relevant to the size and nature of the projects are formed. Each project team, led by a project manager, assumes full responsibility, from start to finish, for thorough compliance with the specific requirements of each project. Computerized data processing systems are used for all phases of project execution. Network analysis and optimum time and resource allocation are performed using Kayson’s schedule control system which is based on the network method. Thus, all project management activities such as project planning, schedule and cost control, human resource management, quality management and control, health, safety and environment are carried out under unified concepts. An effective management information system using well-arranged formats is employed to enable top management to closely oversee all phases of project execution.

Organization Chart:

Organization Chart



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