Widening and Strengthening of Andhra Pradesh State Highway (APSH9)
Project Outline
During the last decade, Kayson has invested more in the export of technical and engineering services than any other contracting and engineering firm in Iran’s private sector, thereby acquiring a wealth of experience in the management and implementation of overseas projects. The Widening and Strengthening of Andhra Pradesh State Highway (APSH 9) is just one example.
General Specifications
The project called for the widening of the road’s existing width of 5 meters to two 3.5-meter lanes, construction of two 1.5-meter asphalt-paved and two 1-meter earth shoulders.
The road’s surfacing consisted of a 30-centimeter subbase layer, a 25-30 centimeter base layer, a layer of bitumen, plus a 3-centimeter asphalt layer.
Heavy Structures
- A 60-meter long bridge with 10.25-meter spans
- 3 Box bridges
Key Statistics
- Cutting 280,000 Cubic Meters
- Filling and Grading 280,000 Cubic Meters
- Base 150,000 Cubic Meters
- Subbase 400,000 Cubic Meters
- Asphalt Pavement 160,000 Tonnes
- Concrete Pavement 35,000 Cubic Meters
- Gabion 30,000 Cubic Meters
- Culverts 100 Bridges 4